on Open!

I think it says something about where we’re going that I feel peculiarly famous to be mentioned on Antony’s fantastic blog Open. If by some miracle you’ve seen my blog but not his, Open is the single most useful and thoughtful commentary on social media that I have found. Enthuiastic but not over-hyped! It’s a rare balance.

This blog on that blog (Usable Interfaces on Open)

Antony also posts a very interesting article right before his lovely mention of “Usable interfaces”. Google has published a 2006 zeitgeist. They’ve picked out the ten most common search phrases of the year:

  1. bebo
  2. myspace
  3. world cup
  4. metacafe
  5. radioblog
  6. wikipedia
  7. video
  8. rebelde
  9. mininova
  10. wiki

Antony takes from this the fact that 8 of them are social media related. True and entirely relevant. More interesting for me, over half of them are people trying to get to a website they *know* the URL for, but they no longer make a distinction between typing in the URL itself and typing a bit of it into Google.

Do people understand the distinction? Maybe some of them do. But if they won’t type in “.com” to get to myspace; how much time do you think they’ll be wanting to spend on your “skip intro”